If you have an event that is open to the public, let us know at least one week in advance. **Paid promotions** are also available. Contact Dee Duryee at the Great Bend Tribune, 2012 Forest Ave., Great Bend, KS 67530; call 620-792-1211 or email dduryee@gbtribune.com.
Great Bend Chamber Coffee hosted by Central Plains Computer Service
9 a.m., 608 S. Patton Road.
BCC Instrumental Concert
7:30 p.m., Fine Arts Auditorium. The Barton Orchestra and JazzCats will present an instrumental concert. Contact: Jamie Minneman, (620) 792-9396
Larned Coffee Hour
9:30 a.m., Larned Middle School, 904 Corse.
League of Women Voters - Postcard Writing to the White House
Noon - 2 p.m., Great Bend Public Library, 1409 Williams, Lower Level.
14th Annual Great Bend Evening Lions Club Ham & Bean Dinner
4:30-7:30 p.m., Columbus Club, 723 South Main. $10 per person; kids 5 and under eat free. Includes drink and dessert. Raffle. Dine in or carry out. Bring old eye glasses, cellphones and hearing aids. Net proceeds used for area projects.
March 15 - 22
Santa Fe Trail Museum - Spring Break Clue Quest
9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Santa Fe Trail Museum, 1349 Hwy K-156. You will receive 6 clues upon entering the museum, solve 4 clues and receive your choice of 2 candy sticks.
SATURDAY, March 15
League of Women Voters - The Framework of our Government
2:30 - 3:30 p.m., Great Bend Public Library, 1409 Williams, Lower Level. Retired lawyer, Cheryl Brown, will help you understand government power, extent of presidential authority, executive orders and more.
Train Club - Golden Belt Model Railroad Assoc.
1-6 p.m., 1405 N. Main St., Open to the public.
SUNDAY, March 16
Community Food Pantry
1-2 p.m., Valley Community Church Educational Building, Burdett.
MONDAY, March 17
Red Cross Blood Drive
11:15 a.m. to 6 p.m., St. Rose Auditorium, 1412 Baker Ave.
KWEC Spring Break - Dancing Seeds
1-4 p.m., Kansas Wetlands Education Center, 592 K-156 Hwy. Admission is Free. Unlock the mystery of seeds by dissecting a seed, studying how they move, making seeds move with a fun experiment, and planting your own seed to take home and care for.
Great Bend City Council Meeting
6:30-7:30 p.m., City Hall, 1209 Williams St.
TUESDAY, Mar. 18
KWEC Spring Break - Walking on Water
1-4 p.m., Kansas Wetlands Education Center, 592 K-156 Hwy. Admission is Free. Water striders are an insect that are built to walk on water! How do they do it? Find out during this program and learn more about these interesting aquatic invertebrates. You’ll also get to make a water strider to see if you can get it to float like the real insect.
KWEC Spring Break - Batty for Bats
1-4 p.m., Kansas Wetlands Education Center, 592 K-156 Hwy. Admission is Free. Discover the incredible world of these night flyers with hands-on activities and a craft. Learn how scientists identify different bat species and how bats provide balance for our eco-system. Create a paper bat hand puppet to take home with you.
Lenten Luncheon
Noon at First Christian Church, 5230 Broadway Ave., with Pastor Robert Selvakumar from First United Methodist speaking.
Great Bend Chamber Coffee Hour
9 a.m., LLB Plumbing, 5818 Anchor Way. Grand opening and ribbon cutting. Followed by a 10 a.m. ribbon cutting at Kim Nollette Agency LLC, 1925 10th St.
Larned Coffee Hour
9:30 a.m., Pawnee County EMS, 123 W. 9th.
Woman-Owned Small Business Federal Contracting Program
10-11 a.m., Online, website: https://secure.touchnet.com/C21797_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=5633&SINGLESTORE=true Join the Small Business Administration for an in-depth discussion about the WOSB certification program. The Federal Government’s goal is to award at least five percent of all federal contracting dollars to women-owned businesses each year.
KWEC Spring Break - Invertebrates
1-4 p.m., Kansas Wetlands Education Center, 592 K-156 Hwy. Admission is Free. Explore the world of invertebrates! 97 percent of all animals species are invertebrates, but what is an invertebrate? It is an animal without a backbone, but there is much more than that. Learn all about what makes an invertebrate and even meet some of the Center’s own live critters. Then, make your own take-home insect carrier.
Larned Civic Pride Bingo
7 p.m., Haas Building, 400 E. 18th St., Larned. Doors open at 6 p.m.
FRIDAY, Mar. 21
KWEC Spring Break - Salamanders
1-4 p.m., Kansas Wetlands Education Center, 592 K-156 Hwy. Admission is Free. Crawl into the sensational world of salamanders - what they are, where they live and more! Plus, meet our own live salamander ambassador-Ms Pac-man. Get crafty with your very own salamander mask and make a salamander life cycle wheel!
Claflin Lions Club Seafood Buffet
4:30 - 8 p.m., ICC Parish Center, 110 E. Williamson St., Claflin. All you can eat fish, shrimp, potatoes, green beans, cabbage, bread, coffee and tea. Adults - $25, Children 5 to 12 years old - $10, 4 and under eat free.
Larned Knights of Columbus Annual Fish Fry
5-7 p.m., 1216 M Road, Larned.
** GBHS Orchestra Garage Sale**
8 a.m. - 2 p.m., Trinity Luther Church basement, 2701 24th St. Proceeds go towards the Great Bend High School Orchestra trip to New York. Visit Great Bend Orchestra on Facebook for more info.
Hoisington Police Department presents “Scam Prevention”
10 a.m., Hoisington Police Department will present “Scam Prevention” at Hoisington Public Library, 169 S. Walnut. This event is free. Refreshments will be served. Call 620-653-4128 for more information.
Storm of Passion
7-8 p.m., Barton Community College Auditorium. Admission is $8. Head down to the Barton Auditorium where you can watch the trilling movie “Storm of Passion”. This movie focuses on the aspects of storm chasing and the excitement of it. Tickets will be $8 with the proceeds going to the Barton STEM Club and the Storm of Passion Volunteer Storm Chasing Team!
SUNDAY, Mar. 23
Great Bend Optimist Sloppy Joe Dinner and Dessert
11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Walnut Bowl, 3101 N. Washington St., north meeting room. Cost is $8. There will also be a silent auction. Proceeds benefit youth projects of the Great Bend Optimist Club.
MONDAY, Mar. 24
Moving Forward Grief Support Group
6:30 p.m., Beckwith Mortuary, 916 Main St., Larned.
TUESDAY, Mar. 25
Trivia Night
7 p.m., Ida Long Goodman Library, 406 N. Monroe St., St. John.
Lenten Luncheon
Noon at First United Methodist Church, 2123 Forest Ave., with Pastor Victor Velez from Central Baptist Church speaking.
Great Bend Chamber Coffee Hour
9 a.m., Heartland Farm, 1049 CR 390, Pawnee Rock. For three weeks from March 23 -April 13, Heartland Farm will host AmeriCorps volunteers from the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), the national version of Peace Corps, as they work on projects at the farm.
Larned Coffee Hour
9:30 a.m., Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, 715 Broadway.
Estate Planning Workshop
11 a.m. - 1 p.m., Glory Be, 623 Broadway, Larned. Free estate planning workshop. RSVP by March 24th by contacting Larned Area Chamber of Commerce at 620-285-6916 or larnedcofc@gbta.net.
Potluck Supper - Hoisington Heritage Club
Social hour - 5 p.m., Potluck at 5:30 p.m. Friendship House, 419 E. Third St., Hoisington. Guest speaker will be Alexis Fleming, Miss Southern Plains 2025.
FRIDAY, March 28
KWEC Turtle Tot Club
10:30-11:30 a.m., Kansas Wetlands Education Center, 592 NE K-156 Hwy. Admission is Free. This program is for children ages 3-5. The program introduces young children to the natural world around them with sensory experiences, while reinforcing colors, shapes, math and fine motor skills. Children must be accompanied by an adult caregiver and pre-registration is required. To register for classes or for more information, call 1-877-243-9268.
Military and First Responders Night Out
6-8 p.m. at 916 Williams St. This is a free evening of child care for children 6-12 years old, for all military and first responders. Snacks and games/activities provided. Preregistration is required; just shoot an email to Dropping22ks@gmail.com or call 620-786-0687.
Lenten Luncheon
Noon at Trinity Lutheran Church, 2701 24th St., with Pastor Keith Funk speaking.
Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group
2:30-3:30 p.m., 1025 Main St., Rm D106. This is an in-person support group for caregivers for individuals with Alzheimer’s or other dementia in collaboration with Volunteers in Action sponsored by Barton Community College.
Estate Planning Workshop
10-11:30 a.m., The Page Banquet Room, 2920 10th St. Registration is required. Contact Golden Belt Community Foundation
Chamber Coffee: Great Bend Economic Development
9-10 a.m., Great Bend Economic Development, 3110 10th St. Doors open at 9 am, program begins at 9:30 a.m.
Sunflower Diversified Services 22nd Annual Pancake Feed
4-7 p.m., Prince of Peace Parish Center, 4100 Broadway Ave. $8 per person for pancakes, sausage & drink. dine in or carry out. Tickets available at the door. Entertainment provided by DJ Donald Hawes. The drawing for for a 2025 Cacti Green Chevy Trax Activ will take place at 6:45 p.m. (Need not be present to win.) For drawing information and tickets visit the Westside Market or sunflowerdiv.com.
FRIDAY, April 4
Lunch and Learn - Fraud Protection with Cassie Martin
12-1 p.m., Ida Long Goodman Library, 406 N. Monroe St., St. John.
Larned Knights of Columbus Annual Fish Fry
5-7 p.m., 1216 M Road, Larned.
Kansas Hunter Education Course Internet- Assisted
8 a.m.-2 p.m., Great Bend Police Training Facility. Website: http://www.ksoutdoors.com Students must pre register for this class at www.safehunters.com before completing the no-cost online course at www.ksoutdoors.com. Students are required to bring their results from the chapter quizzes they take on this site. Students must also print off the “completion certificate” after completing the online course work and turn it into the instructor on the day of the event. A pretest will also be assigned at the beginning of the class , you will need a passing score of 22 out of 25 correct answers to continue in the class. This class is limited to 21 people so make sure to register online!
TUESDAY, April 8
Writing Club
5:50 - 6:30 p.m.. Great Bend Public Library, 1409 Williams St. Join us for our monthly meetings to share and work on your craft. We will connect at the beginning of each meeting before splitting up by age group (tweens, teens, and adults).
Lenten Luncheon
Noon at Grace Community Church, 210 McKinley St., with Pastor Tim Singleton from First Southern Baptist speaking.
SATURDAY, April 12
Rise and Run 5K Awareness Event
7:30 a.m., Veterans Memorial Park. Sponsored by the Family Crisis Center for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Whether you’re and avid runner, walker, or simply looking to show your support, your participation will help make a difference in the lives of those affected by sexual violence. Registration is $35 at https://shorturl.at/7HPQl.
MONDAY, April 14
Trivia Night
7 p.m., Ida Long Goodman Library, 406 N. Monroe St., St. John.
Lenten Luncheon
Noon at Prince of Peace St. Rose Auditorium, 1424 Baker Ave., with Becky Gillette speaking.
SATURDAY, April 19
Lab Fair
7-9 a.m., Clara Barton Medical Center, 250 U.S. 281, Hoisington. Please enter the event through the hospital front doors. Fast after midnight and arrive with your lab fair form filled out.
THURSDAY, April 24
Barton County Community Baby Shower
4-6:30 p.m., Great Bend Events Center, 3111 10th St. New and expectant parents, support people and community service providers are invited to the 5th annual community baby shower.
FRIDAY, April 25
Military and First Responders Night Out
6-8 p.m. at 916 Williams St. This is a free evening of child care for children 6-12 years old, for all military and first responders. Snacks and games/activities provided. Preregistration is required; just shoot an email to Dropping22ks@gmail.com or call 620-786-0687.
SATURDAY, April 26
Earth Day Celebration at Great Bend Zoo
11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Great Bend Brit Spaugh Zoo. A come and go event. Great Bend Dairy Queen will issue a coupon for a free small ice cream cone to the first 500 youth participants that day. In addition, there will be giveaways to the first 500 children in attendance. This year’s theme: “Our Power, Our Planet”.
Lunch and Learn - Self Care with Katherine Hart
12-1 p.m., Ida Long Goodman Library, 406 N. Monroe St., St. John.
FRIDAY, May 23
Military and First Responders Night Out
6-8 p.m. at 916 Williams St. This is a free evening of child care for children 6-12 years old, for all military and first responders. Snacks and games/activities provided. Preregistration is required; just shoot an email to Dropping22ks@gmail.com or call 620-786-0687.
FRIDAY, June 27
Military and First Responders Night Out
6-8 p.m. at 916 Williams St. This is a free evening of child care for children 6-12 years old, for all military and first responders. Snacks and games/activities provided. Preregistration is required; just shoot an email to Dropping22ks@gmail.com or call 620-786-0687.
FRIDAY, July 25
Military and First Responders Night Out
6-8 p.m. at 916 Williams St. This is a free evening of child care for children 6-12 years old, for all military and first responders. Snacks and games/activities provided. Preregistration is required; just shoot an email to Dropping22ks@gmail.com or call 620-786-0687.
FRIDAY, August 22
Military and First Responders Night Out
6-8 p.m. at 916 Williams St. This is a free evening of child care for children 6-12 years old, for all military and first responders. Snacks and games/activities provided. Preregistration is required; just shoot an email to Dropping22ks@gmail.com or call 620-786-0687.
FRIDAY, September 26
Military and First Responders Night Out
6-8 p.m. at 916 Williams St. This is a free evening of child care for children 6-12 years old, for all military and first responders. Snacks and games/activities provided. Preregistration is required; just shoot an email to Dropping22ks@gmail.com or call 620-786-0687.
Noon Lions Club Spaghetti Feed
4-7p.m., Knights of Columbus, 723 Main St.
FRIDAY, Oct. 24
Military and First Responders Night Out
6-8 p.m. at 916 Williams St. This is a free evening of child care for children 6-12 years old, for all military and first responders. Snacks and games/activities provided. Preregistration is required; just shoot an email to Dropping22ks@gmail.com or call 620-786-0687.