
Latest Postings

Duck Decoys for Sale

Duck decoys redhead mallard pintail teal shouler, $2 each. Call 620-793-7312, ask for Blain. Cabela's outfitter shirts, long and short sleeve, Just ask!

Looking for lawn to mow

Chris's lawn mowing is looking for lawns to mow this summer. Call 620-868-0504 to get an estimate today!

FT Diesel Mechanic

Looking for a full-time diesel mechanic for maintaining company equipment. Prefer with experience in Hydraulic AC, and electrical systems. Need Valid Drivers license and motivation. Pay based on experience. Company insurance and benefits. Located ...

Immediate Opening

Protective Equipment Testing Laboratory has an immediate opening for a full-time position testing and cleaning safety equipment. Competitive pay and benefits. Apply at 919 Adams Street, Great Bend.

OKEP Emply Opp Meeting

OKEP's EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY MEETING Wednesday mornings 10:00 a.m. Great Bend Senior Center, 2005 Kansas. Job seekers age 55 and over are invited to have a cup of coffee, meet the OKEP Specialist and view job openings.