ST. JOHN -- St. John returns five experienced tennis players who mixed and matched in singles and doubles throughout the 2023 season.
At regionals, St. John’s Giselle Ramirez defeated Hutchinson Trinity’s Michelle Koehler 9-7 and lost 6-0, 6-1 to Cimarron’s state qualifier Emily Goetz. Tiger Jenny Gracia downed Hillsboro’s Jaden Carlson 8-1 and lost 6-0, 6-1 to Ellsworth’s Felis DeLaCruz.
St. John’s Cora Martin/Jazlene Ramirez lost 8-3 to Hillsboro’s Maylee Hardey/Claire Morey. Tigers Evelyn Lopez/Melea Hearn lost a tiebreaker 8-7 (7-1) to Hutchinson Trinity’s Bianca Salazar/Lindyn Nelson.
SENIORS—Evelyn Lopez (D 6-16; S 1-5); Giselle Ramirez (D 8-7; S 6-9)
JUNIORS—Jenny Gracia (S 13-6; D 5-7); Cora Martin (D 17-11; S 2-3); Jazlene Ramirez (D 19-10; S 1-4)
OTHERS—Zoey Carter, Lilly McAllister, Uricke Engelbrecht
8-29—at Cimarron
9-3—at Pratt JV
9-5—at Sterling
9-10—at Hoisington
9-19—at Lyons; at Pratt JV
9-24—at Sterling JV
9-26—at Greensburg
9-28—at Pratt JV
10-1—at Ashland
10-3—at Great Bend
10-5—at Dodge City
10-8—at Ashland JV
10-11-12—at 3-1A regional
10/18-19—3-1A state, Topeka