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Play Nice: Expectations for events and activities at GBHS
homecoming 2023
Homecoming 2023 - photo by photo by Susan Thacker/Great Bend Tribune

Every year, our educators have to remind everyone why we have school activities and events, and how students and adults should behave at those events.

“It’s about the kids,” Superintendent Khris Thexton said at Monday’s USD 428 Board of Education meeting. Foremost, these activities are for the growth and enjoyment of the students. That growth may include social and emotional growth, helping children become more self-confident and teaching them discipline and how to be part of a team effort. They will probably gain some skills; they will definitely gain something of value.

It’s important to mention that these are not professional athletes, musicians, orators or artists. The events are not the place for children to run unattended and they are not the place for adults to abuse coaches and officials. We’re all here to be supportive, right?

Great Bend High School Principal Brock Funke saw a need to remind folks of this and recently sent this email to students and parents in the school district:

Dear Families 

and Students, 

As we approach the upcoming season of athletic events, we are excited to see our community come together to support our teams. To ensure that these events are enjoyable and safe for everyone, we kindly ask that you review and adhere to the following expectations. 


and Respect 

• Cheer positively for our teams and athletes.

• Respect the opposing teams, their fans, and the officials, refrain from derogatory comments, chants, or gestures. 

• Support our athletes by focusing on their efforts and accomplishments. 

Safety and Conduct 

• Follow the guidance of school staff and event security at all times. 

• Remain in designated spectator areas and do not enter the field, court, or any restricted areas. 

• Avoid bringing prohibited items such as alcohol, drugs, or any objects that could be considered weapons. 


and Supervision 

• Elementary students must be accompanied by an adult and sit with that adult during the event.

• Middle School students will have designated seating areas at football and basketball events. 

• High school students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on our school. 

• Younger children should be supervised at all times to ensure their safety and the enjoyment of others. 

• All students should be watching the event and not running around.  

We are looking forward to a fantastic season filled with school spirit and community pride. Your cooperation in following these expectations will help ensure that our athletic events are positive experiences for everyone involved. 

Thank you for your continued support of our student-athletes and our school community. 

Go Panthers! 

Coaches and 

refs needed

As Funke and Thexton reflected on this Monday, the superintendent commented that it isn’t easy to find people willing to serve as coaches or referees, in the case of sporting events. If you’re sitting in the stands and think you could do a better job, consider reading a rule book and maybe volunteering. Or just take time to remember that the people doing the coaching and officiating are human beings and deserve respect. Students learn from the example adults set.