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Let’s get it right on solar energy
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To the editor: 

A small group of landowners and a big solar company do NOT represent Barton County. We have a foreign solar company that came in under the radar and started throwing money at landowners.

They didn’t have the common courtesy to meet and greet the county commissioners or the city council until they had a strong foothold in the county. They didn’t know what the Cheyenne Bottoms were and after finding out have done NOTHING to protect or support our treasure which would have been the logical and civilized endearing response to our community. They have remained silent and done nothing to expose their plan which probably doesn’t include ANY significant improvements for our county.

As far as I know, they have applied for nothing and only continue to pursue ways to embellish their income and gain more access to more precious natural ground. They hired a gunslinger from Ellsworth County and donated money to public television. They held a “Sip for Solar” at a local bar and objected over 400 times to the rational requirements presented by our County Commissioners protecting the Bottoms.

It is time for Barton County to reject this company and its self-indulgent plans which they have never exposed. Let’s make Barton County and its residents our priority.

Let’s take a new approach to this situation. Our County Commissioners have total control on this or any other project in our county. They absolutely make the final rules and can change or eliminate any project as they choose. The elected city council manages Great Bend. Why not join forces and design a solar program that benefits our county? 

Require a 5-mile no-build zone around the Bottoms. That takes all the angst out of this endeavor. Require a bid to put a project in our county. Require that the solar company that gets this opportunity to put a project in our county return enough money or electricity to our county to reduce everyone’s electric bill by 50% BEFORE shipping it out of our area,

This is a real possibility. Talk to Senator Rick Wilborn who has ties to Barton County about what he did to get 5-cent electricity for McPherson. He did it. Municipalities have a lot of power. My grocery-store in Hoisington deserves a break. Have the solar company set up a division to assist every homeowner in Barton County who wants to acquire solar roof panels to be able to do that at a affordable price. If Acconia wants to participate let them bid for it like any other solar company. 

The benefit to the county and schools is unchanged no matter where the location or what company is involved. The only difference would be that a different set of landowners would be included.

I’m sure the county believes in equal opportunity and that should not even be an issue. Let’s do something for everyone in our county. If you require a bid for participation, you have a number that is real to negotiate your project. You have none of this with the current situation involving Acconia. Sitting and waiting to see what crumbs they want to give us is not a good management strategy.

Let’s get this right for our county, citizens, and national treasures! Make the citizens and businesses of Barton County a priority and make Barton County “exhibit one” for the best use of solar power. It is possible and you can do it! It’s time to get the cart and the horse in the proper order.

Dan Witt
