To the editor:
Be bold and protect America! It’s time to play hardball and mean it! Call a national emergency and mobilize the military to patrol our border. We seem to be helping everyone else around the world protect theirs.
If need be, use tear gas and water cannons to repel groups who try to forcibly breach our border. This strategy worked for the nation of Hungary.
Don’t let one of these Gucci-clad, cellphone toting freeloaders set foot on U.S. soil to begin with.
Despite all the acrimony, the nation will rally behind any president, Republican or Democrat, who does this.
The next step is to systematically purge the nation of illegal residents and visa overstays. This was successfully done on a smaller scale during the Eisenhower administration.
No matter where you came from, if you are here illegally you need to go. Maybe you should try obeying our laws to begin with! If you’ve already shown a willingness to break U.S. law, how can we expect anything else from you?
Stop the anchor baby scam! As an American citizen I’m tired of being taken advantage of by self-entitled foreigners.
Gregory Bontrager