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Trumps hair: an analysis
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Many readers have protested this column’s tiresome history of taking cheap shots at the expense of our 45th President. So today we reverse that distressing trend and endeavor to travel the high road with an in-depth analysis of one of the most critical problems confronting the nation today. His hair.Normally, focusing on a person’s physical characteristics is considered out of bounds, and just not cricket, but because Donald Trump’s favorite weapon is denigration, we’ve decided to play by his rules.
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The woman at the well
Always searching, sometimes finding
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Rev. George Martin
It is surprising that Jesus knew everything about her, and she admitted to that; but in spite of all the information offered in John’s Gospel, we come away knowing very little about the woman who came to the well. We know she was a Samaritan. We also know it was midday, noontime and probably hot sitting there next to a well, as Jesus was. It was an old well supposedly dug in the days of Jacob, who gave it to his son Joseph. It was very deep, and the water was refreshing.
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