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The Clean Cut: 1992 olympian Derek Redmond crosses finish line with father
YouTube screen shot of injured Derek Redmond being assisted by his father during 400m semi-finals at Barcelona Olympics. - photo by Kelsey Schwab
In 1992, British athlete Derek Redmond began the 400m semi-finals in the Barcelona, Spain, Olympic games with confidence.

I remember thinking, Im going to win this race. The gun goes, and I had a really good start, Redmond said in a BBC News video.

Then he heard a pop.

Early in the race, he felt his hamstring and his dreams give way as he fell to the track, holding his hurt leg.

In the BBC News video, Redmond was interviewed about the experience. As he laid on the track, he remembered that he was in the Olympic semi-finals, which is what made him get up and start to hobble to the finish line.

I thought, you know what? Im going to finish this race. It might be the last race I ever run, so Im going to finish it, Redmond remembered.

That was when he heard a familiar voice next to him it was his father, who came down from the stands to be at his sons side and support him to the finish line. Redmond said that his father had always been there with him throughout his training, faithfully standing on the sidelines.

All he was saying was, Look youve got nothing to prove. Youre a champion to us. Youll be back, dont worry. Well do this together, Redmond said.

Watch the video on YouTube here.
Driver injured when semi rolls on I-70 in Russell County
KHP patch

The driver of a semi-tractor hauling a trailer received what appeared to be minor injuries Saturday afternoon when the vehicle left Interstate 70 in Russell County and overturned.

The Kansas Highway Patrol reports the crash occurred at 1:51 on April 15, 4 miles east of U.S. 281 on I-70. The eastbound 2022 International was driven by Todd E. Collins, age 44, of Winchester, Kansas. The vehicle went off the roadway to the right, struck a guardrail and went into the south ditch, where it overturned and came to rest.

Collins was wearing a safety restraint. 

He was transported to Russell Regional Hospital.