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Youth Crew visits Hoisington Council
MELISSA NECH Great Bend Tribune Tyler Morton, along with a couple of Hoisington Middle School students, visited the Hoisington City Council during the Monday night meeting.

HOISINGTON – The Barton County Youth Crew (BCYC) introduced itself to the Hoisington City Council Monday night. 

BCYC is a student-led program that seeks to create positive change throughout the community. It is open to all students grades six-12 in Barton County, and is designed to give young people a platform to share their ideas, learn about the dangers of substance abuse and develop leadership skills, said Tyler Morton, the prevention specialist for the BCYC. 

The grant-funded program is established in counties across the nation that score a higher than average in substance abuse, including vaping, on local surveys.

Morton was hired in February 2022 and is responsible for coordinating the program’s activities and providing support to its members.

The BCYC meets monthly in Hoisington, Great Bend and Ellinwood to discuss upcoming events and projects, he said. The group has participated in a variety of activities, such as:

• Picking up trash around the Hoisington City Pool.

• Organizing the annual kickball tournament.

• Attending state and national conferences.

On June 12, Hoisington High School will host the state-wide Youth Leadership in Kansas Conference.

Youth Crew is a task force of the Central Kansas Partnership through the Barton County Health Department.