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USD 428 receives piano
Computer purchase approved
usd 428 district office
Great Bend USD 428 District Education Center.

An anonymous donor has given the Great Bend High School Vocal Department a Baldwin piano. The approximate value of the used, vertical-style piano is $1,000.

These and other contributions were approved when the Great Bend USD 428 Board of Education met Monday. Other gifts accepted include $1,650 total to Jefferson Elementary School for its Student of the Month program. These included $1,000 from the Law Office of Bauer, Pike, Bauer, Wary & Carroll; $500 from AA Fishing Tool & Rental; $100 from the Law Office of Donald E. Anderson; and $50 from 10th Avenue Boutique.

The Central Kansas Library System also donated $500 to be equally distributed to USD 428 libraries.

Here are some highlights from the meeting:

• Superintendent Khris Thexton said the Education Foundation board has decided not to hold a November dinner and auction this year. There are too many “unknowns,” from the safety of hosting a large gathering as the pandemic continues, to concerns about possible supply issues. Instead, an online fundraiser if being considered.

• The Title VI B and Early Childhood flow-through budget application was approved. This budget covers salaries for licensed special education staff. The amounts are $1,049,014 for federal Title VI B funds ($32,769 more than last year) and $41,014 for Early Childhood Education ($580 more than last year).

• The board approved the purchase of 70 desktop computers for student use and 60 laptop computers for teacher use, using the state bid price. These computers are on a three-year replacement rotation. The total expenditure was $112,797. This capital outlay purchase is being ordered a month earlier than usual because it is taking longer for orders to be delivered, Thexton said.

• Board President Jacquie was chosen as the delegate for the Kansas Association of School Boards assemblies set for Nov. 6 and Dec. 16, and will vote on behalf of the board regarding pertinent issues. Vice President Aaron Emerson will be the alternate.

• The Local Consolidated Plan allocation was approved. This amounts to $1,070,289 in federal funds, which is $13,903 less than last year. The funds are for improving education programs; supporting effective instruction; English learner and immigrant programs; grants for student support/academic enrichment; and migrant programs.

• The 2022 Barton County Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) resolution was approved. Other taxing entities are also approving the NRP, a tax rebate available for eligible properties that have new construction, rehabilitation or remodeling that occurs between Jan. 1, 2022 and Jan. 1, 2032.

• Superintendent Thexton noted that Oct. 18-22 is Bus Safety Week and October is Anti-Bullying Awareness Month.