HOISINGTON — Superior Essex of Hoisington is proud to announce the latest recipient of the STAR Employee Recognition Award. Brindon Hejny, Datacom Jacketing Operator, was named the fourth quarter 2019 STAR Employee and will be treated to a dinner in his honor, a customized gift pack, a plaque, and STAR Employee parking privileges.
The Superior Essex STAR Recognition Award Program is designed to recognize STAR employees (Superior Teamwork Attitude and Results) for their outstanding teamwork, service, attitude, performance, and commitment to achieving the Plant’s goals. One award is given quarterly to an outstanding employee, and the selection is based on peer nominations.
Brindon has been employed with Superior Essex since December 2011. He consistently demonstrates all of the qualities expected of a ‘STAR’ employee such as high work quality, work ethic, safe work practices, initiative, positive attitude, teamwork, volunteerism, mentoring skills, patience, and dependability. On the nomination form, where asked “Why do you believe this employee deserves this award”, the nominator replied “Brindon deserves this award for his exceptional work ethic and very close attention to detail. His willingness to help out other operators goes well above the call of duty. His dependability and positive attitude are a great asset not only to himself, but also to those he works with.”
Tony Szot, Plant Manager, said, “Brindon is a model of a positive attitude and strong work ethic. He sets an excellent example for teamwork and positive attitude. Brindon is always willing to help fellow employees and train new employees. He is very deserving of the STAR award and it is a pleasure to have Brindon working at the Hoisington plant.