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Stafford County Commissioners talk RNR, budget
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The Stafford County Board of County Commissioners met on Wednesday, Sept. 18, in the Commission Room in the Annex. Commissioner Wycoff called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Present: Todd Wycoff and Jim Stanford.

At 8:30 a.m. Commissioner Wycoff opened the Revenue Neutral Rate hearing for the 2025 Stafford County and Stafford County Fire District No. 1 budgets. 

One citizen was present. Discussion was held regarding the reasons why the commission felt it necessary to exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate.

Commissioner Wycoff moved, and Commissioner Stanford seconded, to pass resolution 2024-24, a resolution of Stafford County, Kansas to levy a property tax rate exceeding the revenue neutral rate and resolution 2024-25, a resolution of Stafford County Fire District No. 1, Kansas to levy a property tax rate exceeding the revenue neutral rate. Motion carried 2-0. Commissioner Wycoff closed the Revenue Neutral Rate hearing and opened the 2025 Budget hearing. No citizens were in attendance for the budget hearing. Commissioner Wycoff moved, and Commissioner Stanford seconded, to approve the 2025 budget as presented. Motion carried 2-0.

Commissioner Stanford moved, and Commissioner Wycoff seconded to approve the minutes from the September 11th session. Motion carried 2-0.

Commissioner Stanford moved, and Commissioner Wycoff seconded, to recess to executive session for 20 minutes pursuant to the non-elected personnel exemption to discuss non-elected personnel. Motion carried 2-0. In at 9:05 a.m. Out at 9:25 a.m. Those present: Commissioners, County Clerk, County Attorney.

Ryan Russell, Economic Development, met with the commissioners to discuss the proposal for a county-wide Kansas Main Street Program. He went over information regarding a two-year pilot program. He also gave an update regarding the other projects that are being worked on currently.

During the meeting Accounts Payable vouchers and checks were signed from the following funds:

General - $53,997.36

Road & Bridge - $8,119.43

Health - $17,880.23 

Rural Fire - $1,882.00

Noxious Weed - $72.05

Appraiser - $233.10

Solid Waste - $4,344.34

EMS - $3,894.79

Equipment Reserve - $1,353.25

Motor Vehicle - $3,496.60

E911 - $221.10

Deeds Tech - $3,861.41

TOTAL - $99,355.66

The meeting was adjourned at 10 a.m.