ST. JOHN — These are the unapproved minutes from the Stafford County Board of County Commissioner meeting.
The Stafford County Board of County Commissioners met on Wednesday, Nov. 20, in the Commission Room in the Annex. Commissioner Wycoff called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Present: Todd Wycoff, Jim Stanford, and Bryce Garner.
Kelon Parr and Gina Schwein, met with the commissioners to present information regarding Flock Safety Cameras to be used in the county. A detailed online presentation was made by representatives of Flock Safety explaining the system and how it works. Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Stanford seconded, to approve the Sheriff Department to enter into the contract with Flock Safety Cameras for the maximum amount of $26,500.00. Motion carried 3-0. The purchase will be paid for out of the Sheriff Reserve Fund.
Beau Rebel and Kyle Bahr with GBT met with the commissioners to update them on the progress in implementing fiber across the area. They discussed the logistics of available funding opportunities and their current plans to try to expand broadband across the area.
The meeting was recessed at 9:55 a.m. for the tax sale.
Commissioner Wycoff resumed the session at 10:35 a.m. Commissioner Stanford had to leave the meeting.
Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Wycoff seconded, to recess to executive session for 10 minutes pursuant to the non-elected personnel exception to discuss non-elected personnel. Motion carried 3-0. In at 10:40 a.m. Out at 10:50 a.m.
Cheryl Budge, Appraiser, presented a bid for consulting services to the county appraiser’s office to assist in maintaining statutory compliance. Cheryl explained the technical, analytical, and advisory services that would be provided. Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Wycoff seconded, to approve the Appraiser entering into the agreement with McCully & Associates in the amount of $12,500 for consulting services through June 2025. Motion carried 2-0.
Lisa Weber, County Clerk, presented a bid for exterior masonry repairs to the courthouse. Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Wycoff seconded, to approve the bid from Mid-Continental Restoration Co., Inc. in the amount of $5,120 to repair a dislodged stone step at the main entry and to reseal a vertical control joint and stone cap on the south corner of the building. Motion carried 2-0.
Commissioner Garner, moved, and Commissioner Wycoff seconded, to approve the minutes from the November 13th session. Motion carried 2-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.