ST. JOHN — These are the unapproved minutes from the Stafford County Board of County Commissioner meeting.
The Stafford County Board of County Commissioners met on Wednesday, Jan. 15, in the Commission Room in the Annex. Commissioner Wycoff called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Present: Jim Stanford, Bryce Garner, and Todd Wycoff.
Keith McNickle and Joel Carpenter met with the commissioners to discuss the appointment made to fill the vacancy in the Fairview Township board.
Shannon Snyder, Health Dept. Director, presented annual employee appraisals for the employees in her department. She also advised the commissioners that she had been awarded an Injury Prevention Grant for approximately $4,200. She will be partnering with Jennifer Gleason from the Extension Office to obtain training for the two of them to conduct injury prevention classes at the senior centers.
Gina Schwein, Communications, Mike Sanders, Emergency Management, and Carl Wettstein, Stafford Police Chief, met with the commissioners to provide information regarding moving to the 800-radio system. They advised the compliance factors and that work toward a future plan and implementation needs to begin. Additional information including costs will be coming. Gina also presented information regarding updating the 911 analog console to a digital console. This would allow for more frequencies to be included on the console. This purchase would be made from the 911 Fund. A decision on this will be made as more information on the radio upgrade is obtained.
Vanessa Cornwell, Treasurer, presented an interest earnings report for 2024 showing a total of $349,874.54 was earned on county funds and investments. She also presented the 2024 4th quarter Investment Performance Report.
Magistrate Judge Timarie Walters joined the meeting to swear in Sheriff Rob Murrow and County Attorney Mike Robinson. They were unable to be present at the official swearing in on Monday, Jan. 13th.
Rob Murrow, Sheriff, advised the commissioners that Troy Wright had officially resigned as the Macksville Police Chief. Sergeant Charlie Brown advised that quotes have been requested for new vehicles to replace the ones that are scheduled to come off of the vehicle rotation. Discussion was also held regarding the current status of the department.
Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Wycoff seconded, to approve the minutes of the Jan. 8th session. Motion carried 3-0.
Commissioner Garner moved, and Commissioner Wycoff seconded, to approve the tax roll corrections. Motion carried 3-0.
Mike Robinson, County Attorney, advised that the process for the 2025 tax sale has begun and the approximate cost will be around $9,000.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.