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Stafford Commissioners, Marshall discuss Quivira Refuge
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ST. JOHN — These are the unapproved minutes from the Stafford County Board of County Commissioner meeting.

The Stafford County Board of County Commissioners met on Wednesday, Jan. 22, in the Commission Room in the Annex. Commissioner Stanford called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Present: Jim Stanford, Bryce Garner, and Todd Wycoff

The commissioners met with Senator Roger Marshall by Zoom Meeting to discuss the Quivira Refuge water impairment issue. Katie Sawyer, State Director for Senator Marshall, Orin Feril, GMD #5, and Carolyn Dunn, Economic Development were also present for the meeting. Discussion was held on the current and possible avenues for resolution.

Commissioner Wycoff moved, and Commissioner Garner seconded, to approve the minutes of the January 15th session. Motion carried 3-0.

Commissioner Wycoff moved, and Commissioner Garner seconded, to approve the tax roll corrections. Motion carried 3-0.

Lisa Weber, County Clerk, presented employee evaluations for her department and the Janitorial Department.

Cheryl Budge, County Appraiser, presented her employee evaluations. She gave an update regarding current activity in her office. She also discussed possible changes to the Neighborhood Revitalization Program.

LuAnn Brister, Register of Deeds, presented her employee evaluation. She discussed plans for the coming term in her office.

Vanessa Cornwell, County Treasurer, presented her employee evaluations. She gave an update on what is currently happening in her department.

During the meeting Accounts Payable vouchers and checks were signed from the following funds:

General - $102,050.89

Road - $41,452.45

Health - $12,872.23

Rural Fire - $27,510.24

Nox Weed - $209.20

Appraiser - $1,786.00

Solid Waste - $4,151.94

EMS - $944.71

E911 - $1,445.53

Deeds Tech - $307.32

PHEP Grant - $89.69

Srvcs for Elderly - $24,144

Local Alcohol - $2,500

SF Co Hospital - $119,250

Risk Mgmt - $105.83

Total - $338,820.03

Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.