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Stafford Co. moves trucks from Sheriff’s Office to Road and Bridge
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ST. JOHN — These are the unapproved minutes from the Stafford County Board of County Commissioner meeting.

The Stafford County Board of County Commissioners met on Wednesday, March 19, in the Commission Room in the Annex. Chairman Stanford called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Present: Jim Stanford, Bryce Garner, and Todd Wycoff.

Darren Reed, Solid Waste, met with the commissioners regarding the five-year update plan for the Santa Fe Trail Solid Waste Authority agreement. Commissioner Garner motioned to approve Resolution 2025-7 Adopting Regional Solid Waste Management Committee Report. Commissioner Wycoff seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Darren then updated the Commissioners about the demolition waiver process and the landfill status.

Phil Nusser, Road & Bridge, stopped in the update the commissioners on his department, including personnel and insurance updates. He also discussed the purchase of trucks to be retired from the Sheriff’s Office. Commissioner Garner moved to approve the purchase of two trucks from the Sheriff’s Department for $13,500 and $15,500, and Commissioner Wycoff seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Commissioner Garner motioned to approve the minutes of the March 12 meeting. Commissioner Wycoff seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Meeting was recessed at 9:20 a.m. Meeting reconvened at 9:35 a.m.

Charlie Brown, Undersheriff, joined the meeting. Commissioner Wycoff motioned to recess to an executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel for 20 minutes. In 9:35 a.m., out 9:55 a.m. Those present, Undersheriff, Commissioners, Deputy Clerk, Legal Secretary.

Following the executive session, Charlie Brown updated the Commissioners on the department. He presented bids for two new vehicles. Commissioner Garner motioned to approve the bids for purchase of two 2025 Ram pickups in the amount of $98,886. Commissioner Wycoff seconded. Motioned carried 3-0. Total cost will be offset by the purchase of the replaced trucks by the Highway department.

During the meeting accounts payable, vouchers and checks were signed from the following funds:

General - $30,015.87

Road - $11,164.44

Health - $1,300.62

Rural Fire - $9,924.82

Nox Weed - $72.94

Appraiser - $2,671.92

Solid Waste - $3,249.23

EMS - $1,893.15

E911 - $1,394.63

Deeds Tech - $800.50

Spec Law Enforc - $1,298.50

Total - $63,786.62

Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.