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Space still available on Vet Memorial stone 4
County finding it harder to sell spots on memorial
county vet memorial
Pictured is the directory at the Golden Belt Veterans Memorial. The Barton County Commission Monday morning heard an update on the site.

The Barton County Commission Monday morning heard an update on the Golden Belt Veterans Memorial from Mick Lang, Memorial Parks Advisory Board president. He wished he could have had better news to report.

“I was hoping to have a little better news,” Lang said. He had wanted to announce that another stone would be dedicated on Veterans Day this year,but he doubted that would happen.

Lang said the first 200 lines on side one of stone four were purchased by the Hoisington Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7428 when it closed. So far, on that side there have been 236 lines sold with 24 remaining, all for vets with Hoisington ties.

Side two is for general use. On it, 154 lines have been sold with 106 left.

“We’ve still got some interest out there,” Lang said. Now, it is a matter of getting the word out, letting folks know this is still available.

At $45 per line, 520 (about 370 veterans), 260 per side, have to be sold before each of the stones can be ordered.

As the effort goes along, it has become more of a challenge to bring veterans or their families in to purchase space on the stones. The purchase can even be a gift to a loved one and the county has money available to help cover the expense, he said.

A new addition

Last April, the Road and Bridge Department installed a directory of veterans included on the memorial. The freestanding structure is set in concrete and features glass-encased displays with the alphabetical listings. There were a lot of folks involved in making this happen. It was the brainchild of the Barton County Memorial Parks Advisory Committee. Register of Deeds Pam Wornkey provided the list of names.


The second stone was dedicated on Veterans Day in 2016 and the first stone on Veterans Day the year before. But, the project dates back to 2012 when the idea of a memorial was first raised.

The first two stones flank a center obelisk. In addition to the stones, there are flags representing the branches of service, including Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy and Merchant Marines.

The third stone is staggered behind stone one. It was installed last October and dedicated on Veterans Day.

Number four will be behind number two. Local sculptor Chet Cale facilitates the purchase of the stones, which are engraved by Kansas Granite in Ellis. County Works Director Darren Williams and other county personnel prepare the location. It honors veterans with Barton County ties who have served in all conflicts and in all branches of the military who have a connection with Barton County. Qualifications to be included are proof that the veteran was at least at one time a Barton County residency and an honorable discharge from the military. The veteran can be living or deceased, and active-duty service members are also eligible.

Those wanting to purchase a spot on the memorial or make a donation can bring their payments to the Barton County administration office in room 107 of the courthouse at 1400 Main in Great Bend. For more information call 620-793-1800.

Checks must be made payable to Barton County.

The monument is located at the Golden Belt Memorial Park, 59 NW 50 Road, north of Great Bend.

Sheryl Cheely
Unlike the other honors awarded annually by the Great Bend Chamber of Commerce, it bestows the Legacy Award only at the discretion of the Chamber Board to individuals whose impact influences the community at the bedrock level.
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