Jamii Kingdom, an African Savannah village, is the scene of this year’s Vacation Bible School at the Great Bend Seventh-day Adventist Church, July 8-12. Here at Indaba Place the children, ages 4 to 12, will gather from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday to meet the Tribal Chief and experience through music, stories, crafts, and snacks, life in this part of Africa.
Nightly they will be introduced to an animal from this region which demonstrates an action point for the evening. Music will be led by a team of praise singers.
The Prayer section, Ekpere Experience and Sanaa Site Crafts will relate to the stories of Adam and Eve, Queen Esther, Dorcas, Moses and the Woman at the Well, which will be taught at the Habari Hut. Snacks will be given at Mapera Meza and will reflect the theme.
This very unique Vacation Bible School experience will be one mile west of 10th and Patton Road next to the Great Bend Trail. All teachers, helpers and children are encouraged to wear bright colored clothes to make this a “colorful” experience in every aspect. Parents will be invited for the final program on Friday evening.
For additional information call 620-791-7314.