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School board to hear GBMS HVAC and GBHS boiler updates
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Two upcoming building projects that must be addressed at Great Bend High School and Great Bend Middle School will be presented when the Great Bend USD 428 Board of Education meets at 5 p.m. Monday, Jan. 13, at the District Education Center, 1809 24th St.

Assistant Superintendent John Popp will present a proposal for the high school boiler project and the middle school heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) project. The GBHS boiler project involves the replacement of the associated storage tank, concrete supports, combustion ductwork, etc. The GBMS air handler HVAC project includes the condensing unit and associated piping, expansion tank, air separator, pumps and associated work. Mr. Popp plans to make a recommendation.

Board recognition and presentation

The USD 428 administration will give recognition to the school board. Superintendent Khris Thexton notes that January is School Board Appreciation Month.

“USD 428 Administration recognizes board members for an elected official’s crucial role in our community and schools. These extraordinary people voluntarily tackle the enormous job of governing the district. Their actions and decisions affect the present and future lives of our children. Thank you, USD 428 Board of Education, for your time and commitment to our schools.”

At each month’s board meeting, a district director presents a department update. This month’s presentation will be by Ashley Riley, director of Special Services.

Second readings

Unfinished business on the agenda is the second reading of the Cardiac Emergency Response Plan (CERP) and the second reading of board policy revisions. Both were first presented in December and the administration will ask for them to be approved.

The CERP was developed by the Safety Committee. The plan establishes specific steps to reduce death from cardiac arrest. The plan is adaptable for schools, support services, office work areas and sports facilities.

Policy revisions are recommended by the Kansas Association of School Boards and include two new policies: one on fundraising activities and one on the stock supply of emergency medication.

First readings

New business includes first readings of:

• recommendations for adopting curriculum materials for public speaking, debate and forensics courses;

•recommendations for adopting materials for the PreK-12 English language program;

• the Great Bend Middle School Program of Studies book that describes all the courses available to GBMS students

• the Great Bend High School Program of Studies Book and Career Technical Education (CTE) Program of Studies for 2025-2026.

Other items on the agenda:

• The board will be asked to approve two pilot programs for the English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum for grades 7-12. Both will be tested during the fall 2025 semester, leading to the next curriculum adoption.

• The district continues its cycle for electronic purchases to maintain up-to-date technology. Computers are routinely replaced. On the agenda are the purchase of 1,000 C736 Chromebooks, 1,100 Google for Education licenses, and 1,100 protective cases, for a total cost of $358,600. The Chromebooks and licenses cost the same amount as last year ($275 and $32 each, respectively) and the $19 cases are $5 per case less than last year.

• In 2019, the Kansas Legislature changed the month the school boards elect the president and vice president to January instead of July. The board will adopt a resolution that extends the current president and vice president terms for the remainder of the school year and elect new officers in July.

• The administration has received specific requests from school parent-organization representatives to conduct fundraisers during the 2025-2026 year. The timing and type of fundraiser are listed and board approval is recommended.

• The board will be asked to approve the purchase of 26 compound microscopes for the GBHS science department to replace outdated equipment. Title IVA funds will be used for the $12,746.50 purchase and this will provide three classroom sets of compound microscopes.

Additional items on the agenda for information and/or action include the curriculum report, business and operations report and superintendent’s report; the financial presentation and the consent agenda, with any personnel changes.