“Truly I say to you that this poor widow put in more than all those who put into the treasury. For all have put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in all that she had, her whole life.” Lent is approaching once again, as we begin preparations to reflect on our Lord’s suffering and sacrifice for us. It is also that time of year when we call upon all the congregations of our county to share their support for Barton County Emergency Aid, through their participation in the annual fundraiser: The Widow’s Mite. There are many ways to participate, from a collection can in your weekly worship, to a special fundraiser that your congregation designates to the cause. If you would like to learn about how your own congregation can participate, please email Pastor Adam Wutka (Emergency Aid board member) at pastoradam@tlbwy.com for more information.
2012 Widows Mite Fundraiser for Emergency Aid