HOISINGTON — Hoisington Main Street Inc. announced the hiring of a new Executive Director Michelle Winiecke.
Winiecke started her new position Monday, Feb. 28. Winiecke has a diverse background and graduated from Arizona State University in Tempe, Ariz., with a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies with emphasis in urban planning and small business. She also studied architecture in the first two years of her undergraduate degree. In addition to her bachelor’s degree, Winiecke also earned an associate’s degree in interior design from Mesa Community College in Mesa, Ariz.
In her professional career, Winiecke was a telecommunications engineer for a major national telecommunications company for nine years. During this time, Winiecke had the opportunity to work with the municipality of Phoenix in order to relocate telecommunication facilities out of the way of Phoenix’s proposed street improvements; including water lines, sewer lines, sidewalk improvements, street widening, and various other civil improvements. This diverse background of architecture, interior design, engineering, urban planning, and small business made Winiecke the ideal candidate for the executive director position at HMSI.
HMSI is a non-profit organization that started in July of 2005 and is committed to the revitalization of Hoisington’s downtown district.
Winiecke will meet attendees at the community revitalization meeting at 7 p.m. March 16 at the Hoisington Activity Center and get involved in the Wetlander’s Festival on April 16.
The HMSI office is at 115 N. Main St., Hoisington, by e-mail at: hoisingtonmsi@gmail.com, or by phone at 620-653-2208 or at the website at www.hoising