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CBH participates in Immunization Awareness
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August is designated as National Immunization Month to spotlight the importance of keeping your immunizations up to date. Trish Martin, LPN at Clara Barton Medical Clinic is immunizing a child.

HOISINGTON —  Clara Barton Hospital Medical Clinic is participating in National Immunization Awareness month and strives year round to keep their patients protected from serious diseases by offering immunization vaccines.
“Immunizations apply to all of us from infants to seniors and it’s important to know which shots you need and when to get them. Everyone should ask about tetanus, influenza and other vaccines they might need when they visit their healthcare provider,” said Trish Martin, LPN.
Clara Barton Hospital Medical Clinic offers immunization services year round during regular clinic hours. Clara Barton Medical Clinic was recently praised by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment  immunization program for their Vaccines for Children  partnership and the immunization services provided to patients.  Clara Barton Medical Clinic professional staff received accolades for doing an outstanding job of providing patient education and for the great strides on the larger volume of children receiving recommended shots each year since 2004.
Annually one patient’s name is drawn randomly from patients who received immunizations between January and December at Clara Barton Medical Clinic. One local family was the winner of the “immunize win a prize” incentive offered by KHDE this past year.  The winning patient’s name received $400 from the KDHE immunization program. The “Immunize Win a Prize” project is a statewide immunization incentive program offered to VFC providers to ensure children complete their primary immunization series by age two.  The project is based on taking four visits for a child to complete their primary immunization series by age two.
The clinic will continue to participate in the VFC program and all children from birth to two years of age that receive all required vaccines four DTaP, three polio, one MMR, three HIB, three HepB, one Varicella and four Prevnar, by the age of two will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win the incentive prize for the 2012 calendar year. Over 200 prizes will be awarded to winners in all 105 counties, including a $200 utility bill payment for one winning family at each participating provider.
“One family from Clara Barton Medical Clinic will win $200 toward a utility (gas, electric, water or propane) of their choice since Clara Barton Medical Clinic is a VFC provider,” said Martin, LPN. “ The drawing will be held January 2013. To schedule an appointment for immunizations call Clara Barton Medical Clinic at 620-653-2386.”

Kudos for Dudek's koi paintings
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Shirleys Koi by Steve Dudek - photo by COURTESY PHOTO

Barton Community College Art Instructor Steve Dudek’s watercolor painting “Shirley’s Koi” has been accepted into the 37th Annual San Diego Watercolor Society International Exhibition in San Diego, Calif. The juror for the show is Katherine Chang Liu. Additionally, Dudek was asked to become a signature member of the San Diego Watercolor Society.