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New playground opens in Great Bend
new re playground opening 1
Children enjoy the newest destination playground to come to Great Bend. The My BackYard Playground grand opening was held on Friday at the GBRC Activity Center.

A nice size crowd came out for the grand opening of the newest playground in Great Bend.
My BackYard Playground opened on Friday with an open house, a light lunch, cookies and Hot Wheels cars for the children.
“It is very exciting to see the smiles on the children’s faces,” Great Bend Recreation Commission Executive Director Diann Henderson said. “It is a family environment for all to enjoy.”
The grand opening was marked with a ribbon cutting ceremony and remarks from Henderson, GBRC Chairman Dr. Marc Huslig, Major Mike Allison and President of Makinna Ann Hope Foundation
Kyle Krebaum.
“I see this playground as another destination we put in to enrich the quality of life of the people of Great Bend,” Allison said.
After the ribbon cutting, children and their families got to enjoy the playground and everything it has to offer.
The playground features the latest in playground equipment, a 1/8 of a mile walking trail surrounding the playground, a sensory garden area, open green space for activities and plenty of shade and seating. My BackYard playground includes such play features as the Omni Spinner, Roller Slide, Wee Saw, Net Plex, Topsy Turvy, various climbing rocks and a ZipKrooz.
“There also is an ensemble of outdoor musical instruments called Freenotes; which creates a ‘Harmony Park’ within the central area of the playground,” Henderson said. “Freenotes offer a unique play experience connecting people of all abilities through creativity musical play in a playground setting. These beautiful instruments have a concert quality sound which will bring individuals of all ages back to them time and time again,”
The My BackYard playground is designed for 2-5 year olds and 5-12 year olds.
Along the new walking path, there is a section made up of bricks. Some are personalized with the names of people who purchased the bricks to help with the funding of future development.
For more information on the playground or to purchase a brick contact the GBRC office 793-3755.

City looks at funding for runway
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Alternate funding for runway reconstruction at the Great Bend Municipal Airport will be discussed at the next Great Bend City Council meeting. The council will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 3, at City Hall. The meeting will be livestreamed on the City Council Facebook page,
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