STAFFORD — We have been working on new programs this week. If you would like to join Nora’s Book Chats or find out more about it, come see us at the library or go to our Facebook page. We are planning a time to gather and talk about the current book you are reading. A poll is available on Facebook to choose a night to get together and talk about books. This might lead to choosing one book for everyone to read and discuss.
We are also planning a reading hour for Preschoolers 0-3. Preschoolers with an adult are invited to come enjoy reading time and social interaction through play. “Making Memories at Nora’s Place” will be on Monday mornings from 10-11 starting Sept. 9. Please contact us if you have questions and to let us know if you and your child are planning to come. This would help us know how many to plan for. This is a service to the community that will help fill a need for our younger children. If you have thoughts that would be a better fit for your family please let us know.
The library is happy to announce the gift to the library of a Jack Dale charcoal painting. Jack was a local artist with many forms of expressing his creative thoughts. More of his creations have been donated to the Stafford Museum. The painting we received is of a haunted house in the Tennessee mountains where Jack’s wife Shirley visited family. It is a welcome addition to our collection of art created by artists in the Stafford community.
Sept. 1 is around the corner. If you are participating in our Book Challenge remember to read five books and turn in your sheet by Sept. 1st for a nice prize.
School is in Session. Our thoughts are with students, teachers and supporting staff for a successful year. Sandy, Denise and I all have retired from the Stafford School System and have a place in our hearts for education. Education is the hope of our future. Respect and support those that are giving their time and talent to the education of our children. Encourage your children to do their best each day.
Want to know what’s new and happening at Nora’s Place? Check out our Facebook page and the Great Bend Tribune. We have a great group of board members that have new ideas and plans for how Nora’s Place can better serve the Stafford Community. The next board meeting will be Sept. 11 at 6 p.m.
Gerry Hildebrand is the head librarian for the Nora Larabee Memorial Library. Phone 620-234-5762, email larabeelibrary@gmail.comor visit Facebook at Nora Larabee Memorial Library. Library hours are 8 a.m. to noon on Monday and 2-6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday.