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Hoisington Debate going to state
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Cardinal Regional team heading to state. Pictured, from left to right, are Alicia Earegood, Coach Marion Oborny, Robbie Willesden, Nick Doerschlag, Logan McHenry, and Jouquin Fox.
The Hoisington High Debate Team placed second recently at Regional Debate at Sacred Heart in Salina to advance to the 3-2-1A 4-Speaker State Debate Tournament in El Dorado on Jan. 16-17th.Sacred Heart was first with a 7-1 record, followed by Hoisington with a 5-3 record, and Silver Lake with a 4-4 record. Lyons also had a 4-4 record, but lost the tie-breaker based on number of judges ballots. Sacred Heart, Hoisington, and Silver Lake all advance to State.The Hoisington affirmative team of Robbie Willesden and Jouquin Fox earned a 2-2 record, defeating teams from Centre (Lost Springs) and Silver Lake.
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