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Gun recovered during street cleanup
Great Bend departments report
gun recovered 2025
Project Clean Sweep resumed last Saturday, March 15, with volunteers performing community service by picking up trash in the 2100 Block of Frey St. Extension. Great Bend Police Chief Steve Haulmark said this discarded handgun was found.
frey st extension cleanup
Project Clean Sweep resumed last Saturday, March 15, with volunteers performing community service by picking up trash in the 2100 Block of Frey St. Extension.

Project Clean Sweep resumed last Saturday, March 15, with volunteers performing community service by picking up trash in the 2100 Block of Frey St. Extension. Great Bend Police Chief Steve Haulmark said a discarded handgun was found.

Project Clean Sweep is a collaboration between the Great Bend Police Department and Municipal Court in which people who owe a fine are given an opportunity to perform community service in lieu of paying the fine. Following a short hiatus for the cold weather, Project Clean Sweep kicked off its 2025 year on March 15. 

“The first project, which will be ongoing, was cleaning the trash and debris from the roadside and ditches along public roads,” a post on social media notes. “While diligently removing trash in the ditch in the 2100 Block of Frey St. Extension, one of the workers located a handgun and brought it to the attention of one of the officers. The ditch is looking better, and we are glad the gun was found by our worker and not a curious child. The PD will be attempting to find out all we can about the firearm.”

City Administrator Logan Burns mentioned the project Monday during his report on what’s happening in various departments. He also noted that the GBPD conducted a search warrant on March 11 near the Barton-Stafford County line, seizing over 100 grams of suspected methamphetamine.

Burns also reported on other City departments:

Fire Department

Burns thanked the Great Bend Fire Department for its work during red flag days for fire hazards due to dry conditions and high winds. There were a couple of fires but nothing got out of control, he said.

Public Works

Work continues on Sunset Street where there was a water main break. They poured flowable fill on Monday and will let that cure for a few days before they go back in and pour concrete.

A storm sewer at 10th and Main was damaged when a semi rolled over it. That area is blocked off until repairs can be made.

There are deep potholes on McKinley where vehicles enter the hospital and where they exit McDonald’s restaurant. The City has done some temporary patches but will eventually tear that out to do a full-depth concrete patch.

Great Bend could receive 1-3 inches of snow on Wednesday. “I don’t think we’re going to get that but you never know. We’ll be ready,” he said, noting any snow shouldn’t last long.

Public Lands

Roofmasters is making progress replacing roofs at the Sports Complex. They are now putting a new roof over the main complex. Burns said he hopes they will finish this week but it might be close to the first game on Tuesday, March 25, Great Bend baseball vs Garden City.

The sprinkler system has been installed at Al Burns Field and they are hoping for sod to start this week or the week after so they can get some cut.

The crew working at Heizer Park will pour the north half of the mini-pitch courts this week or next, depending on the weather.

Staff are out at Harms Field taking infield grass off. That will be another utility field players be able to utilize.