Now is the time for high school seniors and college students to apply for the scholarships offered by or administered by Great Bend First United Methodist Church.
For the 2024-2025 school year, First UMC awarded 27 scholarships to new recipients and 10 renewals to past recipients.
This year, First UMC has updated its website to include the application forms for their scholarships.
Forms are also available in the church office.
Applications for all scholarships must be turned into the church office by March 15.
The Charley C. Byers and Wayne and Betty Banks scholarships are available only for active members of First United Methodist Church of Great Bend. Criteria are financial need, a desire for further education and a firm Christian belief. Both scholarships are renewable. Renewable applications are only available by contacting the church office.
The church also administers eight other scholarships available for graduating high school seniors. The criteria sheet and application forms are at
Anol W. Beahm scholarship: Criteria: Barton or Rush county residence, medical major, firm Christian belief, 3.0 grade point average.
Richard C. Brining scholarship: Criteria: Education major at a Kansas college, exhibit financial need, strong character.
Henry and Jennie Fanshier scholarship: Criteria: Full time at accredited college, financial need, desire for further education.
John and Charlotte Henry scholarship: Criteria: Financial need to attend college, genuine desire for further education. Also available for graduate students.
HH and Jennie Kopke scholarship: Criteria: Barton or Comanche-county residence, financial need to attend college, genuine desire for further education. Student must be attending a Kansas college.
George and Doris Penner scholarship: Criteria: Any accredited college, trade or technical school, financial need to attend college, genuine desire for further education.
Stone-Reinhardt scholarship: Criteria: Students of Great Bend, Ness City or Ransom high schools, must demonstrate a desire for further education, and to make future contribution to their community. Not renewable, for freshman year only.
Dan and Jean Swartz scholarship: Criteria: Based on desire for further education, and show good citizenship and character, and good to above-average grades.
If you need further information, or forms, contact the church office or visit
Some scholarships may be renewed. To get renewal applications, contact the church office at or call 620-792-2148