We had 15 ladies of DAR come meet at Nora’s place Tuesday, Feb. 27.
Most were from out of town and this was their first visit to our historic library. They really enjoyed learning of our history, viewing our beautiful windows, and having the meeting here. Thanks for thinking of our Library for your meeting.
We had a couple visit from Wichita. He had been here during Bike Across Kansas and wanted to share his experience with his wife. They were blown away by the windows and the Larabee history! He also mentioned another time he had biked through Stafford and ate at The Curtis Cafe.
“Do you know about Cinnamon Cream Pie?” he asked. I told him I didn’t have Ruthie’s specific recipe but I gave him two others from two Calvary Baptist’s cookbooks. His wife talked about “Funeral Pie.” Any guess what kind of pie that was? Back in the day, raisins were too expensive for everyday use. Raisins were a luxury saved for funerals and everyone looked forward to Raisin Cream Pie at funerals. Funeral food does help us get through the heartbreaking day and creates a good memory of fellowship.
Coming up
• English Language Learners class meets every Wednesday Evening with Rachel Sandoval. Excepting Board meeting nights.
• March 2-8 will be Dr. Seuss week and we will celebrate “Read Across America” by reading Seuss books and featuring Seuss toys (a special one will visit with you). Plan to put this fun week on your calendar. Join us all month to celebrate Dr. Seuss. Sandy and I always have a craft for families to do together. When you are tired of being housebound, come to the library and make a memory with your child.
• March 7 - “Easter Craft Class” - instructor will be Laura. Everyone will create three professional looking cards and one equally professional gift box to take home that day. We will have two classes on the 7th, limited to 10 to a class. The times are 3-4 p.m. and 5:15-6:15 p.m. Call the library to sign up for this fun, easy, and creative way to share spring. The cost is $10. It’s all just assembling and gluing. Check out the info on Facebook.
• March 19 - “Art Journals” - A variety of media including watercolor, acrylic, and paper (colorful paper/magazine pics, etc.) will be used at this class. The participants will need to bring a quote, verse, poem, etc. that is meaningful to them, printed on paper. They could also bring photos or copies of photos that would correlate with their words/theme. This class is being presented by Jennifer Gleason, Family and Community Wellness Agent from the 21 Central Extension office.
• March 25 - Community Coffee at the Library from 8:30-11:30 a.m.
• April 5 - First Friday Nora’s Gatherings begin for 2024. The theme for this month is “Nature.” Time is 6-8 p.m. No cost for the event, just for the food. There will be a demonstration by “Wild at Heart” beekeeper, an art display of native Stafford County Pollinator Plants by Adrienne Minnis and Rita Schartz, music by Jennifer Pfortmiller’s piano students, and food for purchase. Come join us for this fun and educational evening!
Great books from reading this week:
• “Logan’s Lady” by Tracie Peterson is an Inspirational Historical Fiction with a surprising Romance twist. It takes place in beautiful Estes, Colo., before it was Estes Park. Logan’s Lady was a true English Lady who had no idea where her true feelings lay.
• “Shall We Dance” by Shelley Shepard Gray takes place as three sisters separated by the death of their mother, reunite as adults and decide to get reacquainted by moving in together. This is the first book of a series exploring the very different lives of these three. One is a dance instructor (and they live above her studio), one is a police officer and the youngest is a famous model. Family, Mystery, and Romance all wrapped up in one series.
Adam, our hardworking library volunteer, has finished cataloging our collection of DVDs. Check out the titles by putting DVD into our card catalog search. The DVDs are located in the stairway as you come in the front door. Have a free movie night on us! (Sorry, you have to provide your own popcorn!)
Sandy and I are looking forward to a warmer week and creating really cute Spring Cards with Laura. Come join us, it will be fun!
Our next Board meeting is March 6, at 6 p.m.
Our next Board meeting is Feb. 14, at 6 p.m.
Our library hours are: Monday morning 8 a.m. to noon; and Tuesday through Friday 2-6 p.m.
By Gerry Hildebrand, head librarian for the Nora Larabee Memorial Library. Phone 620-234-5762, email larabeelibrary@gmail.com or visit Facebook at Nora Larabee Memorial Library.