STAFFORD — Monday’s snow pleasantly surprised us with four families arriving for Story Hour. We enjoyed watching the young ones learn to play together, listening to Ezra Jack Keats’ “A Snowy Day” and having a snowball fight.
Recently Read Book Club, what a fun night! We discussed the books we are currently reading or just finished. Many authors were mentioned:
Fiona Davis - The Magnolia Palace
Ken Folliett - Century Trilogy series
Peng Shepherd - Cartographers
C. J. Archer - The Librarian of Crooked Lane
Yeonmi Park- In Order To Live - a memoir
Diana Gabaldon - Outlander series was encouraged as a epic read
The Joy was the variety of Authors and Stories shared!
Story-graph & Fable were talked about as free apps to keep track of your books read or wish list. We are open to other times and days to meet in order to accommodate more readers. Call the library with suggestions.
Flyers and Facebook are out to invite you to the Feb. 5 craft and cookie craft night from 5:30-7 p.m. Craft Valentine gift bags, watch cookie/pretzel decorating or buy decorated sugar cookies made by Nita Keenan. If you want to make craft bags, call ahead to reserve a space. A fun night with many possibilities!
Ninety-eight different programs and events were given at Nora’s Place in 2024. We know this because we had to document all that we are doing at the library for the State Library Report. We will be offering as much and more in 2025, so come join us this year and enjoy what the library works to provide for you. Watch Facebook, pay attention to flyers, and read our articles in the Great Bend Tribune on Tuesdays or online, then plan to attend and invite others. Help us keep Nora’s Place relevant for the Stafford community.
Patrons were GIDDY! 360 new books have arrived from the South Central Kansas Library System. Rotating books shared with us through SCKLS is a great way to increase our collection, introduce new authors and genres, and provide new titles from favorite authors. We are glad to be able to partner with SCKLS to offer this service.
Tax Time is upon us and I am working on getting tax help for you through the Southwest Center on Aging. Also keep in mind as you are preparing your paperwork that we have a shredder box to get rid of old documents in a secure way.
Events in the future:
• Story Hour Monday Mornings 10-11 a.m.
• New Year - New Books, Book Challenge
• Watch for Tax Prep date in the near future.
• Feb. 5, 5:30-7 p.m. Save the Date for Valentine Art with Nancy Hildebrand. Nancy will help you design unique gift bags, Nancy has invited Jennifer Gleason to give a demonstration on pretzel and cookie decoration. Nita Keenan will also have decorated sugar cookies available for purchase. Sign up to enjoy the fun. Ten people can take the class but everyone is welcome to watch the demonstration or buy cookies. Nancy is also going to have “Make your own gift bag” packets to take home and craft.
• Feb. 18 or possibly the 25th, Recently Reading book club 5:30-7 p.m.. We’re open to suggestions on dates.
• Look forward to an event in March with Jennifer Gleason. She is planning on an evening combining sour-dough bread making with tools to help your jobs throughout the day become easier.
• The First Friday committee is busy lining up great evenings for our community to enjoy. At this time, the months are April, May, June & August on the first Friday of each month. Plan to attend fun evenings at Nora’s Place and enjoy events with your community. Save the dates!
Gerry Hildebrand is the head librarian for the Nora Larabee Memorial Library. Phone 620-234-5762, email or visit Facebook at Nora Larabee Memorial Library.