Two items related to the construction of a new hotel next to the Great Bend Events Center are on the agenda for Monday’s Great Bend City Council meeting. The city hopes to offer an incentive package that includes creating a Community Improvement District in the redevelopment area and imposing a 2% sales tax in the district to help pay for a project costing almost $23 million.
The meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. at City Hall and can be viewed on the City Council Facebook page,
There will be a public hearing request for the adoption of a redevelopment plan within the boundaries of the 10th St. Redevelopment District. This is part of the incentive package for Great Bend Lodging LLC. The council will be asked to approve a motion that calls for a public hearing on March 17.
The second action related to the development of a hotel on 10th Street also asks for a public hearing on March 17. This is for creating a Community Improvement District (CID) and sales tax within the district. As part of the incentive package for Great Bend Lodging LLC, a petition has been filed with the city clerk proposing the creation of the Great Bend Lodging Community Improvement District and imposing a 2% (maximum) sales tax within the district to pay the costs of the project.
The estimated cost of the project is $22,960,000 and the portion of the project to be financed with CID sales tax is $10,100,000. The developer estimates that the CID sales tax would generate $3,406,401 over the maximum term of 22 years.
Other items on Monday’s City Council agenda are the purchase of finance software and approval of a bid from Venture Corporation for pavement surfacing improvements on Main Street from the bridge to Second Street and on Patton Road from 10th Street to Ninth Street.