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Anonymous donor contributes $12,000 to Great Bend student needs
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The Great Bend USD 428 Board of Education voted Monday to accept recent donations. Superintendent Khris Thexton noted that a number of these gifts will help students who need help with expenses such as lunch money. A $12,000 contribution presented anonymously includes $7,000 to purchase gift cards to distribute to students or families in need and $5,000 to the GBHS Food Pantry.

Other donations approved:

• GBHS Activities Office received $1,450 from the GB Kids Wrestling Club to purchase a Washer/Dryer for the Wrestling Room at 1809 24th St. 

• Various donors contributed to sponsoring the GBHS Girls Christmas Clash event: 

- $500 from Reinke Irrigation 

- $500 from Kerns Floor Service 

- $500 from Kansas Land Tires 

- $500 for GB Tarps 

• As per the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), Equity Bank contributed $1,100 to GBHS Social Studies teacher Jeremy Foster, and $3,577.55 to the GBHS Girls’ Swim Team, to be used at their discretion for their classrooms, students, and athletes. 

• Great Bend Middle School received $1,000 from the GBMS Booster Club for the GBMS Paw Shop. 

• Reward Incentive contributions Box Tops included $99.10 for Lincoln Elementary and $38.60 for Jefferson Elementary

• Central KS Association of Retired Teachers donated $200 to the Panther Pantry and $200 to the School Lunch Program for unpaid student balances. 

• USD 428 Food Service received a $500 contribution from Ryan and Shanda DeYoung to provide a meal for students with a zero balance who would not otherwise have a hot lunch. 

• Food Service also received $195 cash contributions from various donors for the Park Elementary Student Lunch Fund. 

• “Book Buddy” businesses have contributed to support the GB Reads Initiative through the USD 428 Education Foundation. $100 donations were received from the Great Bend Tribune, Wheatland Electric, Equity Bank, Watkins Calcara and the Great Bend Recreation Center.

• Little Panthers Preschool received a $100 contribution from Kent and JoAnn Roth to support the needs of Michala Bieker’s preschool classroom.