The evidence is here. A look into the discoveries of science shows us what God told us we would find. Our universe is a product of seven periods of time. All that exists in the universe is laid out in a table of periods known to scientists as the table of elements (the Periodic Table). This table lays out each step of universal creation in order. It is known that this table shows how the universe came to exist through a series of elements that progressively combined to create the next in the series, but this table also tells the same story we know from Genesis Chapter 1 of the Bible.
A comparison of the two shows similarities that cannot be ignored.
• God created light in day one, with an evening and then a morning. Period 1 contains the products of a great bang in which light was created. The light was initially trapped in a plasma, unable to shine but was released when the temperature cooled enough for subatomic particles to combine and create the first elements.
• In day two God created the waters and separated them. Period 2 contains oxygen, the second of two elements in water.
• Day three details how God gathered the earth and the waters to create land on which plants grew. Period 3 contains the final elements necessary for amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids and chlorophyll- all of the basic building blocks of plants.
• In day four God positions stars, planets and moons to rotate around each other to give days, nights and seasons. Period 4 introduces the elements Iron and Nickel, whose existence allow for magnetic effects that have been found to be vital in the formation of galaxies, the existence of stars and the protection of planets.
• God creates animals in day five. Animal cells require Bromine, an element that does not arise until the end of Period 4, allowing for animals to come into existence in Period 5. Additionally, in Period 5 we find Strontium, which assists in the creation of bone tissue.
• Day six details God creating mammals. Mammals have a unique section of the brain called the neocortex. This portion of the brain requires Iodine, which is found at the end of Period 5 of the table of elements. This would allow for the creation of mammals in Period 6.
• The final day created by God was a day of rest. The day exists with no work done. This is reflected in the final Period of the table of elements, which contains a full row of elements, yet none of them exist in a stable form.
These parallels are too specific to deny. Our discoveries have brought us full circle to the truth we always held. He told us what we would find before we ever started looking.
Great Bend resident Alexis Vanasse has a B.A. in chemistry from the University of Kansas. This article is based on her research over the past 13 years.