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Thanks for the help with summer adventure
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Sheri Holmes

We’d like to thank the following for making our Adventure Begins at Your Library, Summer Library Program a success:

Melody Johnston as SLP coordinator who creates fabulous activities to go with the stories she selects for read-alouds. She puts a lot of time and effort into making Summer Library fun and rewarding for our youth. 

Mahra Johnston, Heidi Brauer, Braden Robl, Ali Gonzalez, Jaci Sandberg, and Hayden Wondra, our HS/MS Volunteers, make everyone’s job so much easier! The veteran assistants know what needs to be done and take the initiative by seeing a need and filling the need. We hope to have another summer with them, and are also looking forward to the leadership our new volunteers will bring to our sessions. They are all amazing role models for our GS participants!

Amy Hammeke and Treva Paden for organizational assistance and keeping everything running smoothly! Amy manages our Reader Zone app, which has been a real game changer for parents to be able to help their children track the number of books or minutes read. Treva utilizes the materials from Melody and manages our youngest patrons during Summer Library. We appreciate the good rapport she has with our patrons.

Rosie Bosse for her kick off to our Summer Library Program with storytelling and free books. Rosie’s books for juvenile to adult are also available for checkout at Ellinwood School/Community Library.

Mandy Kern and the Kansas Wetlands Education Center for their wonderful Wetlands Adventures Program. Our youth enjoyed her interactive story and hands-on activities.

Jessica Bowman and Smoky Hills PBS for their Share a Story program which included a story, movie, craft, and free books to our 3-5 year olds!

Ellinwood Sunflower Bank for their popular gold coins, Great Bend Freddy’s Frozen Custard for a coupon for ice cream, and Great Bend Sonic for the fun drink tokens as prize donations.

Thank you to all of the adult, high school, middle school, grade school, and preschool, patrons who participated this year. Prize winners will be announced soon. Most importantly, we thank the parents of our youth and St. John’s CDC staff for taking the time to encourage the love of reading in their children! 

Sheri Holmes is the director of library and media services for the Ellinwood School and Community Libraries. She can be reached by email at