At their January meeting, members of the Great Bend Garden Club discussed with Master Gardener, Joleen Biggs, a variety of possible plants and flowers along with their arrangements and needed care for the long awaited new Memorial Garden to be built this spring at the Great Bend Cemetery. Along with photos of possible varieties of plants and flowers and suggestions for planting arrangements, Joleen shared recommendations for establishing low-watering plants and explained helpful elements of design which include lines, form, color, texture, and scale. Lines direct the eyes, forms add depth and complexity. Texture creates interest and balance. Color creates mood and either harmony or contrast. After the garden is planted, it requires continued amending the garden bed with organic matter; deep, infrequent watering; proper pruning, weeding, and fertilizing and insect control.
The members of Garden Club are eagerly anticipating the new Memorial Garden which along with the statuary, benches and memorial plaques will soon be again a special meaningful location at the Great Bend Cemetery.