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‘Hypertopia’ art exhibit opens
Courtesy photo Sterling College Art & Design faculty member Sean Engler poses with some of his artwork from his show “Hypertopia” which is currently at the Sterling College Art Center Gallery until Nov. 1. The reception and Artist Meet and Greet is set from 4 to 6:30 p.m. for this Friday, Sept. 20 at the Gallery.

Exploring the realms of storytelling through branding, comics, motion, and toys is the art exhibition titled “Hypertopia” currently on display at the Sterling College Art Center Gallery. Created by Sterling College Art & Design faculty member Sean Engler, the theme for this exhibition is based on his love for good stories, the captivating visuals of science fiction (Sci-fi), and his childhood of broad imagination and fascination with Sci-fi creations.

Engler received his MFA this past May from Fort Hays State University and presented his collection at the Moss-Thorns Gallery of Art in Hays recently. He said, “Hypertopia, by definition means ‘beyond the lived physical places’...I chose these because all my life I have been creating narratives.”

Beyond the captivating visuals, “Hypertopia” holds themes of loyalty, justice, and friendship. “Good stories have meaning,” Engler said, “Behind all the bright colors, there are themes of speaking out for ones who won’t or can’t speak for themselves, protecting relationships between friends and family, speaking out against injustice, and doing the right thing when everyone else is too scared to.”

At the heart of the exhibition is “Submersion Tide Illustrated Novel Illustrations” which is a collection of nine digital illustrations from a novel that Engler is in the process of writing. “This is my favorite piece because it’s my original idea for this collection of work,” said Engler. “Once the exhibition is torn down, the work continues.”

The main character of the nine digital illustrations is a tribute to Engler’s late best friend who passed away in 2020. “He had such an impact on my life. I’m using this to keep his memory alive and to honor the man that he was,” said Engler.

“Hypertopia” will be showing from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. until Nov. 1 on weekdays at the Sterling College Art Center Gallery, 306 West Washington, Sterling, and is open to the public free of charge. Engler encourages people from all backgrounds to come and view the exhibit, as he says it is meant to be viewed by all. There will be a reception and Artist Meet & Greet from 4 to 6:30 p.m. this Friday, Sept. 20 in the Gallery.

Engler hopes that through “Hypertopia”, people will walk away with inspiration and joy for creativity. He said, “I hope people are inspired to be creative in their own unique way after they see my art,” he continued, “I also just want people to feel fulfilled because they received a good story. Stories bring joy and I hope my art does that for people.”