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How do you define success?
Jessie's Corner
Becky Gillette
Becky Gillette

Thus says the Lord God, “On the mountain height of Israel I will plant it [a twig from the top of a high cedar]; and it will bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a majestic cedar. Under it will dwell birds of every sort; in the shadow of its branches they will dwell.”  Ezekiel 17:23 (NKJV)

God settled his chosen people, those who followed Abraham and Moses (including non-Jewish people), in Canaan on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean. Over time, these people became distracted by living conditions of those who had settled there before Moses and Joshua led their people to Canaan. Time and time again, God suggested that his people think about what they were doing and who they were worshiping. Time and time again, God’s people headed toward the life that they thought they wanted — success, popularity, and fine living.

And then came the king of Babylon who laid siege to Jerusalem. In an effort to save his country, the king of Jerusalem paid tribute to Babylon. Unfortunately, Egypt decided to confront Babylon and traveled through Judah to get to Babylon. Jerusalem switched sides and started paying off Egypt. The king of Babylon got angry and laid siege again to Jerusalem, hauling all the ruling people from Jerusalem to Babylon.

Ezekiel was one of those who were sent to Babylon with the last captives. God asked him to tell the other exiles a story about a great eagle who took the top of a twig from a high cedar and planted it in a city. He also planted a vine in the countryside in good soil so that it thrived. Unfortunately, another great eagle came along, and the vine started growing toward this second eagle. The first eagle grew angry and ripped up the magnificent vine that had turned away from him.

God asked Ezekiel to tell the people to hang in there. God himself would take a twig from a high cedar and plant it on a high mountain in Jerusalem and it would flourish, growing and sheltering many under its branches.

The thing is, how do we define success? Back in the day, you were important if you had lots of horses and chariots; if you had a standing army ready to go into battle with anyone who had what you wanted - a little more land or access to trade routes.

What makes a person a success today? Is success having more money than anyone else, or are you a success if you have what you need and a bit more for something fun? Is success being able to eat off your kitchen floor or is it having a loving family who enjoys the company of each other. Each of us defines success differently but it might be interesting to think about how we define success. If nothing else, it will give us a good goal to aim for.

Becky Gillette is a former teacher, newspaper reporter, and preacher who seeks to take an original approach to life’s lessons. She has recently published her first book, Jessie’s Corner: Something To Think About, which is now available for purchase. Based on several lesser-known scriptures from the Bible, this is a collection of articles which she wrote for a weekly newspaper.