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Jessie's Corner
Becky Gillette
Becky Gillette

Does anyone dare despise this day of small beginnings? They’ll change their tune when they see Zerubbabel setting the last stone in place! Zechariah 4:10 (The Message)

There is a saying that “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” Have you ever found yourself in the middle of complete chaos and wondered how you ever got there? This wasn’t what you were aiming for! Usually, when we look back, we can see where we nodded when we should have shaken our heads or maybe we turned left when we should have turned right – and we kept on going. It’s those small actions that can sometimes have the most monumental effects on our lives.

There came a time in Jewish history when Babylon decided it wanted the land of Judah, so Judah was invaded, and all the high-status people were sent to Babylon. The doctors, lawyers, mayors, and men of power in the land were forced to leave and the land was left to figure things out on their own. For 70 years, the Jews lived in Babylon, trying to fit into an alien culture. Finally, a new ruler came to be in charge, and he sent the Jews back home, led by Zerubbabel, a descendant of King David.

A rag-tag group of immigrants started out to head back home. These once-great people who were the cream of the crop, hauled off to another country where they became the least of the least. What would they find when they got home and what would they do with what they did find?

Apparently, it took about four months of hard travel with children and elderly people. There was some rough country and the countryside they traveled through didn’t always have the friendliest people. The first step away from Babylon would have been one of the scariest steps ever taken – and yet, it was taken. No one knew how the journey would end – and yet, they started the journey.

The journey led them back to Jerusalem where they rebuilt the walls around the city and Zerubbabel started rebuilding the second Temple in Jerusalem. The original Temple, built by Solomon, was destroyed, and lay in ruins for over 70 years. It took them six years, but that Temple was rebuilt, and it lasted about 500 years before King Herod decided to build a bigger and better Temple!

That first step away from Babylon led to a restored pride in their heritage for the Jews. There were a lot of problems to sort out and difficulties to overcome, but they did it.

We are each also on a journey that started with our first steps as children. Whether we were born into poverty or into great riches, no one can foretell how we’ll end up. The end of our story depends on decisions that we make along the way and our reactions to the situations that we come up against. The important thing is that we took that first step!

Becky Gillette is a former teacher, newspaper reporter, and preacher who seeks to take an original approach to life’s lessons. Her first book, Jessie’s Corner: Something To Think About, is available for purchase.