WAKEENEY – Western Cooperative Electric announced this week that Darrin Lynch has resigned his position as general manager, effective Sept. 8. In a joint statement, Lynch and the Board of Trustees expressed their full confidence in the future direction of Western.
Lynch has been General Manager since May 2013. “The pleasure is mine to have served Western’s member-owners and employees these past four years. An opportunity has presented itself that I simply cannot pass up, so I resign with both hesitation and excitement,” he said.
The board is currently considering candidates to fill Lynch’s position once he has departed. “On behalf of the member-owners and employees of Western, we appreciate Darrin’s service to Western. We are confident that a suitable replacement will be found to continue to lead Western in safely providing its member-owners with reliable electric service at an affordable price,” said Board of Trustees President Craig Crossland.
Lynch resigns as GM at Western Cooperative Electric